In this post, I like to share with you an idea of how you can add Notes to your home screen. For this, you need a browser called Chrome on your android device. Then follow the steps given below. Here we will add Class 11 English and Nepali to our home screen like this.

Step 1: Click on three dot at the top right corner of chrome.

Step 2: Click on “Add to Home screen” option

Step 3: Rename and Click on Add
Rename it to a shorter name like only Nepali or English to make it easy for your readability.

Step 4: Click on Add again if you see dialog like this.

Step 5: Now you can check it on your home screen.
You can add any type of web page as your app in your android like this. Have fun!
Recommended: Class 11 Notes Collection
Complete Notes for Class 11 English & Nepali are available now. Please check it out.
Recommended: Class 12 Notes Collection
Complete Notes for Class 12 English & Nepali are available now. Please check it out.